Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Education Plan Continued...A new course initiative.

In order to make people more aware with our political system and politics in general, how about mandating separate course studies throughout middle and high school. By separate course studies I mean a politics class. Plain and simple, every year for a full year in middle school and high school, have children take a politics class.

Fundamentally it will do a few things. One thing it will do is increase political awareness. Secondly, it will boost voter registration and voter turnout, especially among the youth. Thirdly, candidates will hold more respect for younger voters and be more issue-based. If schools can teach a politics course it will also create many more thousands of jobs and would do this nation a great justice.

This concurrent plan may have an adverse effect on political science programs in universities, so I would have to explore this further. But I am sure that to a certain extent, this program could be successfully coordinated and implemented with no adverse affect to colleges and universities.

I will end this post with a statement.

The common people have a right to know, not just the elite.

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