Monday, February 12, 2024

A Proposed Long-Term Solution Towards the US Border & Immigration Crisis

Below, you'll find a letter I wrote to President Biden about a long-term immigration solution that will get to the root cause of the issues we face today with illegal immigration.

Dear President Biden,

Thank you for all that you do for our country, day-in and day-out. I would like to share a perspective that may provide you with an enlightening, long-term solution to help solve the immigration crisis.

The crisis we're facing right now can largely be attributed to Central and South-American countries (Mexico too) having a lack of proper infrastructure, like: schools, government, law enforcement, energy & electricity, internet, hospitals, roads, quality water quality, waste treatment, etc. This lack of infrastructure is the root cause.

Nation-building is essentially what is needed, & none of those countries can do it without our help. If we can successfully build these countries up, then we would not face the border & illegal immigration issues we have today. Those countries would become modernized & their economies would boom, comparatively. The creation of such infrastructure could be subcontracted to use local labor for construction to kickstart regional opportunities.

Yes, the costs would be very high. However, we could offset those costs getting those countries to provide the US with access to their precious natural resources, like diamonds, copper, gold, silver, nickel, cobalt, iron, niobium, aluminum, zinc, lead, tin, lithium, chromium, & other metals.

We would mine them & could do an 80 (U.S.) / 20 (them) split (or similar) for the next 10 to 20 years or so. We'd keep the split honest by installing teams of inspectors with one from the US and another from each native country, monitoring production & the division of those materials.

Moreover, we would gain greater allies in the region & be able use those materials to accelerate our production purposes.

Yes - these countries need to be on board with this, but this could be a fair trade & a way out of this mess.

I hope that you will consider this & work with Secretary Blinken to see if they'd consider this.

Thank you for your time.


Carl Potak