Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted. I will finish that religion article sooner or later. But right now I've made a list of things I believe we need to change within our country, and I'll be concentrating on writing about each one of these problems. This will be one of my new projects of things to do. I'll be researching each of the topics and doing my best to write the most objective plan to fixing them. I'll be editing this post and adding things to most categories as well, and from there I'll write separate pieces on each topic. In no particular order of importance, my list is as follows:
FCC Censorship
Social Security
Border Patrol/Security
Separation of Church and State
Environmental Issues
· More Regulation not De-Regulation
· Global Warming
· Fossil Fuels
· Higher Education
· Slightly less than 1.4 million active soldiers (2002)
· 875,000 reservists (2002)
Budget Deficit
· $675 Billion; second largest since WWII; 5.9% of the GDP
· By 2009 the proposed budget deficit is around 2.55 Trillion, which would be the largest in history.
Supreme Court
Gay Marriage
Stem Cell Research
U.N. Relations/Foreign Relations
· Iraq
· Korea
· Russia
· China
· Israel
· France
Tax Breakup Bracket / General Taxes
Voting rights
Incarcerated Civilians’ Rights
· Currently inmates have no real rights besides the right to a lawyer. Their very basic right of the freedom to vote has become void. They should at least be allowed to exercise their right to vote. There are 2,000,000 inmates in the United States. That number is higher than our active military’s population.
· Murders
· Public school crime